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Tuesday 6 November 2012

Home Eco System.

Home Eco-System.

Solidworks : Dave Forster
Editing : Dave Forster
Actor : Mike Groves
Prototype : Mike Groves
Specification/justification : John Hannan
Photography : Dale Burn
Storyboard : Dale Burn
Poster : Guy Holden , Antonio Bambino

YouTube video :
Samsung IRIS Video:

Self Assesment:
Competencies developed in this project:
User Focus: looking in to how the user would interact with the product and how you can catch there focus when using it.
Usability & Usefulness: creating a product that is usable and useful for the operator.
Market & Business: looking in to pricing of the product and its business outcomes. looking in to the design and making it effective enough to make a profit from through the market.
Form & Aesthetics: Looking at the form and aesthetics I developed concept drawings that would best suit the product for example the smooth finish and the small design idea making it ideal to be portable.
Modelling: created a prototype model out of modelling foam to give the overall view of the product. (this can be found below)
Visualisation & Communication: I communicated my ideas through the use of concepts drawings , solidworks models, prototype models and a video related to the story board. this helped give the viewer an overall idea on how the product would finally work
Design Method & Practice: I looked at different design methods and used them to create my design ideas for example solidworks model for visual aspects and a prototype to get a 'feel' of the products look, size and shape.
Self Assessment & Criticism: Done a self assesment at end of product to show what competencies i have developed.
Solidworks Models.

Concept Drawings.

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